Getting a job is selling a product, but many folks fail to recognize this. Good candidates are good salespeople.
Know What You Are Selling
What are skills you are offering to provide ?
How can you demonstrate them adroitly: convincingly, briefly and at the right times ?
Know Who is Buying…and Their Biases
Do they want a leader or a sycophant ?
Do they want very specific skills or a balanced A-player ?
Be Honest and Confident
Tell the truth.
Focus the time and your answers on the positive and on the future value you can bring.
Talk modestly but persuasively about the similar difficult challenges you have vanquished in the past.
Be Crisp
Show up for phone calls and interviews on time.
Return important emails relating the job search within 10-12 hours.
Be organized – have a list of questions ready for the recruiter, for the hiring manager, for HR.
Give short direct answers to direct questions unless they are “essay questions” – let the interviewer drive the pace and depth of the interview.